Litigation Technology Services
An interactive way to record, archive and show your PowerPoint seminars on your website or secure server for on-demand access.
Power Point Video Slideshow

If you present or host seminars using Powerpoint slide shows, you may have asked yourself, "How can I present this in North America, Asia and Europe in one day without having to stay awake for 24 hours?" 
Have DCM - Digital Case Management record your PowerPoint presentation and turn it into a Digital Video Slideshow.   Upload that to your server and your audience can view it anytime they want to.

The best way to learn about our Digital Video Slideshow (DVSS) is to click this link, download the demo in PDF format and review the demo.
A DVSS is an interactive digital document that combines a video recording of you presenting your material with your PowerPoint slides into one user-friendly document. It can be put on a website — public or secure — or delivered as a stand-alone file. It is viewable on any web browser via the standard Adobe Viewer application. (May not be viewable when hosted on non-standard third-party storage systems.)
A DVSS places a video recording of the presenter in a window above and to the left (or right) of the slide. The slide includes all the graphics, video, audio and animations from the original. Each step or action of the slide is timed to the appropriate point in your recorded presentation. Viewers can review and repeat each slide at their own pace. 

You can attach documents, pictures or other files for the viewer to download. You can also add a quiz or survey and record the results with your AICC, SCORM or Adobe Connect Pro learning management system.  

Save your time and travel expenses by presenting once and showing on-demand.  Need to update a section?  You can just re-do the outdated portion and replace it with the new.
Please check out the Digital Video Slideshow demo to see how it works. Contact DCM - Digital Case Management for more information about this useful service, or to schedule a videographer for your next presentation.

To download a Digital Video Slideshow demo, click the image below.
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